Upgrade Lizmap Web Client

Upgrading from 3.0 to the 3.1 version

From 3.0 versions to upper, here is how to upgrade.

Data backup

Backup your data into a directory (ex: /tmp) with the lizmap/install/backup.sh script, so you could reinstall them if the installation failed.

lizmap/install/backup.sh /tmp

If you want to backup by hand, you should backup at least these files:

  • var/jauth.db

  • var/logs.db

  • var/config/installer.ini.php

  • var/config/liveConfig.ini.php (if it exists)

  • var/config/lizmapConfig.ini.php

  • var/config/localconfig.ini.php

  • var/config/profiles.ini.php

Replace lizmap files

Get the lizmap archive (by downloading an archive or by doing a git clone/pull)

You should

  • replace the lib/ directory by the new lib/ directory

  • replace files into lizmap/ directory by the new lizmap/ files

  • If the replacement has erased some files that you’ve been backuped, restore them with lizmap/install/restore.sh /tmp

Launch the installer

You have to launch the installer, it will upgrade some stuff: database tables, configuration etc..

sudo lizmap/install/clean_vartmp.sh
php lizmap/install/installer.php
sudo lizmap/install/clean_vartmp.sh

Upgrading from Lizmap 2.x to Lizmap 3.0

First, be sure that your lizmap installation has been upgraded to the latest version of 2.x. The last one is 2.12.

Then you can upgrade to Lizmap 3.0.

Data backup

Backup your data into a directory (ex: /tmp).

Lizmap 2.12.2 and higher has a lizmap/install/backup.sh script. Call

lizmap/install/backup.sh /tmp

If you don’t have this script, backup by hand, copy these files somewhere, /tmp for instance:

  • var/jauth.db

  • var/logs.db

  • var/config/lizmapConfig.ini.php

  • var/config/installer.ini.php

  • var/config/profiles.ini.php

Replace lizmap files

Get the lizmap archive (by downloading an archive or by doing a git clone/pull)

You should

  • replace the lib/ directory by the new lib/ directory

  • replace the lizmap/ directory by new lizmap/

Restore data and clean installation

Restore rights and owner on some directories. Here is an example where “myuser” is the user owning the application file, and “www-data”, the group of the web server.

sudo lizmap/install/set_rights.sh www-data www-data
sudo lizmap/install/clean_vartmp.sh

Then you can restore the backup, by giving the path where the backuped file where previously saved:

lizmap/install/restore.sh /tmp


Lizmap 3.x requires that *.db files should be stored in var/db/, not in var/ as in 2.x

Last step: launch the upgrade script

php lizmap/install/upgrade-to-3.php

Upgrading between 2.x versions

Preliminary backup

Before update, make a backup of the configuration data: lizmap/var/config/lizmapConfig.ini.php, lizmap/var/jauth.db and the log file (from 2.8) lizmap/var/logs.db

OLDVERSION=2.8.1 # replace by the version number of your current lizmap installation
# if you installation is 2.1.0 or less, use an empty OLDVERSION instead :
cp /var/www/$MYAPP-$OLDVERSION/lizmap/var/jauth.db /tmp/jauth.db # user database
cp /var/www/$MYAPP-$OLDVERSION/lizmap/var/config/lizmapConfig.ini.php /tmp/lizmapConfig.ini.php # text configuration file with services and repositories
cp /var/www/$MYAPP-$OLDVERSION/lizmap/var/logs.db /tmp/logs.db # lizmap logs

Then do a typical installation of the new version (see above), which will create a new folder in the directory /var/www/

Copy the files saved in the folder of the new version

cp /tmp/jauth.db /var/www/$MYAPP-$VERSION/lizmap/var/jauth.db
cp /tmp/lizmapConfig.ini.php /var/www/$MYAPP-$VERSION/lizmap/var/config/lizmapConfig.ini.php
cp /tmp/logs.db /var/www/$MYAPP-$VERSION/lizmap/var/logs.db


In some versions, it is also necessary to update the database that stores the rights. See the following for more details.

From version 2.3 or lower to version 2.4 or upper

The Jelix framework (tool with which Lizmap Web Client is built) has been updated. It is necessary to change the rights management SQLite database:

cd /var/www/$MYAPP-$VERSION/
sqlite3 lizmap/var/jauth.db < lizmap/install/sql/upgrade_jacl2db_1.3_1.4.sql

From version 2.6 or lower to version 2.7

Support for annotations and management of related rights was added to Lizmap Web Client. It is necessary to change the rights management SQLite database to upgrade it:

cd /var/www/$MYAPP-$VERSION/
sqlite3 lizmap/var/jauth.db < lizmap/install/sql/upgrade_jacl2db_lizmap_from_2.0_and_above_to_2.5.sql

From version 2.7.* to version 2.8

The editing tool replaced the annotation tool and fields to describe each Lizmap Web Client user has been added. It is necessary to upgrade the rights management SQLite database:

cd /var/www/$MYAPP-$VERSION/
sqlite3 lizmap/var/jauth.db < lizmap/install/sql/upgrade_jacl2db_2.7_2.8.sql

From version 2.8.* to version 2.9

The functionality of layers data filtering based on the connected user requires the addition of rights related to the user data base:

cd /var/www/$MYAPP-$VERSION/
sqlite3 lizmap/var/jauth.db < lizmap/install/sql/upgrade_jacl2db_2.8_2.9.sql

From version 2.9.* to version 2.10

The functionality of layers data filtering based on the connected user requires the addition of rights related to the user data base:

cd /var/www/$MYAPP-$VERSION/
sqlite3 lizmap/var/jauth.db < lizmap/install/sql/upgrade_jacl2db_2.9_2.10.sql

Delete Jelix temporary files

rm -rf /var/www/$MYAPP-$VERSION/temp/lizmap/*

Redefine the rights to the application files

cd /var/www/$MYAPP-$VERSION
chown :www-data temp/ lizmap/var/ lizmap/www lizmap/install/qgis/edition/ -R
chmod 775 temp/ lizmap/var/ lizmap/www lizmap/install/qgis/edition/ -R