Publisher guide
- Prepare a QGIS project for Web
- Set up your project for Lizmap
- Publish the map by FTP
- Configurazione avanzata
- Creare una mappa di inquadramento
- Aggiungere la funzione di localizzazione
- Spatial searching
- Media in Lizmap
- Come configurare i popup
- Creare temi semplici
- Adding your own JavaScript
- Printing configuration
- Allow printing of external baselayers
- Optimizing Lizmap
- Masking individual layers
- Show attribute table for Lizmap layers
- Modifica dei dati in Lizmap
- Adding files and images for features
- Filtered layers - Filtering data in function of users
- Time Manager - Animation of temporal vector layers
- Statictics with Dataviz
- Atlas - sequence of entities of a chosen layer
- Changing the default image of a project in the repositories and projects site