Gerir grupos e utilizadores no Lizmap Web Client
Como administrador, pode:
create, rename ou delete grupos de utilizadores
create, update ou delete utilizadores
link um utilizador a um ou mais grupos
We highly recommend managing rights at the group level, not at the user level.
You may need to create groups to allow specific Lizmap rights :
access to some Lizmap repositories, projects or even layers
using editing tools, see Editing — Edit a layer from the web interface
access to OGC Web Services URL
More info about repositories rights : see Definir as permissões de cada grupo
Groups created by default
Existing groups are visible on
.admins : to manage all settings on the Lizmap instance
publishers : designed for GIS technicians, to allow accessing server information needed from the QGIS plugin. The right
must be enabled.users : to recognise a connected user, to allow some basic rights like changing his own password
__anonymous : a «special» group for a non connected user, which allows to set rights for non connected users
Default group are the groups in which any new user is automatically added.
Manage users
, you can:create a new user
edit a user
add a user to an existing group
remove a user from a group
remove a user from the instance
Once users have been created, you must add them into groups to grant associated rights.
According to the server configuration, the user receives a link to set his own password. If you want to change this behavior, read Definir palavras-passe para os utilizadores, if you are the system administrator.
On User groups.
, you land by default onYou can:
create a new group
edit the group name
set the rights for a group
remove a group
On Users.
, you have a another tab calledYou can:
see the list of users and its groups
for a given user:
see the list of groups
see the resulting rights
Assigning groups automatically for each new user created
On Default group column, click the pencil ✏️ button to allow or deny the group as default.
, in theThe default is set to the users group.
Lizmap plugin
The list of settings in the plugin where a list of users or groups can be set:
, to make the project visible only to subset of groups
, to make the layer visible only to subset of groups
- , to allow editing capabilities on a layer, see
, to allow printing
Attribute filtering or Spatial filtering, see Filtered layer by user — Set some features visible/editable or not for some users
, both