============================== Set up your project for Lizmap ============================== .. contents:: :depth: 3 Install the Lizmap plugin ========================= The Lizmap plugin is available through the official QGIS project repository: https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/lizmap/ To install it, just do it like any QGIS plugin: * :menuselection:`Menu --> Plugins --> Manage and Install Plugins` * Search ``Lizmap`` * Install the plugin * It's available in the menu and toolbar :menuselection:`Web` .. warning:: Lizmap QGIS plugin is regularly updated. To enjoy new features or before reporting a bug, be sure to update your plugin. In :menuselection:`Menu --> Plugins --> Manage and Install Plugins --> Settings`, check that QGIS will check for updates on a regular basis automatically. .. image:: /images/introduction-install-lizmap.jpg :align: center :width: 60% The plugin is organized in 13 tabs: * :guilabel:`Information`: some information about the Lizmap project and your servers * :guilabel:`Map options`: the general options of the map * :guilabel:`Layers`: the options of each layer * :guilabel:`Baselayers`: the baselayers used on the Web * :guilabel:`Locate by layer`: the locating tool * :guilabel:`Attribute table`: configure the attribute table and the vector selection * :guilabel:`Layer editing`: which layer can be edited with Lizmap * :guilabel:`Tooltip layers`: configure the tooltip for some layers * :guilabel:`Form filter`: Make some filtering based on attributes * :guilabel:`Filter layer by user`: setup some filtering based on the current logged user * :guilabel:`Dataviz`: add some charts and dataviz * :guilabel:`Time manager`: play an animation based on date or datetime field * :guilabel:`Atlas`: setup an atlas for the project * :guilabel:`Log`: displays information of performed actions And it has 5 action buttons: * :guilabel:`Auto-save` : When ever you click on :guilabel:`Apply` or :guilabel:`Ok` if Lizmap should save the QGIS project too at the same time * :guilabel:`Help` : open the help in the webbrowser * :guilabel:`Apply` : write the configuration in the Lizmap file and keep the dialog open * :guilabel:`Ok` : write the configuration in the Lizmap file and close the dialog * :guilabel:`Close` : close the dialog without writing the configuration