=============================== Lizmap Web Client configuration =============================== Introduction ============ The *Lizmap configuration* menu is divided into 2 parts: * **Services**: the general configuration of Lizmap Web client - server, cache, etc. * **Repositories**: create and configure Lizmap repositories .. image:: /images/administration-lizmap-configuration.png :align: center Services ======== To configure **Services**, click the *Modify* button under the summary. * **WMS server URL**: The full QGIS Server URL, such as http://localhost/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi or http://localhost/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi.exe. .. warning:: QGIS Server must be installed on the same computer as Lizmap Web Client * **WMS subdomain URLs list (optional)**: The use of multiple domain names is one of the classic optimizations when a web application uses OpenLayers (as Lizmap Web Client). You can enter a list of subdomains separated by comma. + You must use a **list of subdomains** relative to the domain with which is used Lizmap Web Client. For example, if your main domain name is **maps.example.com**, then you can use **a.maps.example.com, b.maps.example.com, c.maps.example.com, d.maps.example.com**. + Of course you must have configured the Apache/Nginx server *virtual host* to take into account these subdomains, for example with the variable: .. code:: bash ServerAlias \*.maps.example.com * **Server cache storage type** - *file*: Tiles cached are stored in a server directory by layer - *sqlite*: The tiles are stored in a sqlite database by layer - *redis*: the tiles are stored into a Redis database * **Cache root directory**: the folder where the cache is stored. It must be writable by the Apache/Nginx server. * **Server cache expiration time (s)**: the time in seconds during which each tile is retained. This is a default value for layers whose time has not been configured with the plugin. - The cached tiles older than that time are automatically refreshed. - A value of 0 means that the tiles do not expire. - The expiration time must be adapted to changing data. * **Send request to QGIS Server or external service with**: 2 methods *php* or *curl*. Use first if curl is not installed on the server. * **Debug mode**: saves some queries to a log file: *lizmap/var/log/messages.log* * **Allow visitors to request an account**: If this option is enabled, a new link 'Registration' will be added in the public menu. By clicking on this link, the visitor displays a form that allows it to request an account to administrator. He must complete some fields (name, email, due to demand) then validates the form to send the request. * **Administrator e-mail**: If a valid e-mail address is given, then the Lizmap Web Client notifications will be sent. For example, each account creation request via the registration form generates an email sent to this address. * **sender e-mail** and **sender name**: when Lizmap sends an e-mail like notifications or for password reset, if needs the email address and the name of a sender. .. image:: /images/administration-modify-services.png :align: center proxy for External requests --------------------------- Lizmap may need to access to some internet services. So, if it is installed behind a web proxy (typically in an intranet), you need to indicate what is the proxy. You should check the checkbox "Use a proxy server" and fill these fields: * **Host of the proxy server**: the address of the proxy * **Port of the proxy server**: the tcp port of the proxy * **Type of the proxy**: the protocol used to access to the proxy: http or socks5. It is only supported when curl is used. * **Login** and **password**: sometimes an authentication is needed to access to the proxy * **Domains for which the proxy will not be used**: there are some requests that should not go to the proxy, typically requests to your QGIS server, or requests to a local server that serves map backgrounds etc... You have at least to set it with "localhost,". Repositories ============ For each Lizmap repository, are listed: * **The main informations**: label and path * **The list of rights** with the groups concerned * **Action buttons**: - *View*: displays a page that lists the maps in this repository - *Modify*: displays the repository modification form - *Remove*: delete the repository from the Lizmap Web Client configuration - *Empty cache*: deletes the entire cache of all layers of the repository projects .. image:: /images/administration-repository-detail.png :align: center You can create a new repository using the button **Create a repository** located at the top and bottom of the section *Repositories*. Add a repository ---------------- To create a repository, you must give: * **an id**: a word without spaces, accents or special characters * **a label**: the name that will be displayed for this repository, accents and spaces allowed * **a local folder path**: the full path on the server to the folder that contains the QGIS projects and data * **Allow repository themes**: This option enables the possibility for the publisher to set a theme for the repository and themes for each map. See :ref:`lizmap-simples-themes`. .. _define-group-rights: Define the rights for each group -------------------------------- After creating the directory, the repository modification form is displayed automatically and defines the following rights for each group: * **View repository** : - all users of checked groups can access maps of this repository - the group *anonymous* is unregistered users and allows to make public maps * **Use the Edition tool** When this option is checked, the group users have access to the editing tool for all of Lizmap repository maps for which the edition was configured. * **Always see complete layers data, even if filtered by login** This option is in connection with the filtering feature data layers per group. See :ref:`filter-layer-data-by-group`. Check the box for deciding which groups can see all the time all the data, even when a filter is active on some layers. .. image:: /images/administration-modify-repository.png :align: center